How the "cake" of millions of Oksijjen is divided: In Korça, MESSER won, in Fier, GTS receives 400 thousand euros! Read / 2025-02-08 16:59:19Investigation
“NATO duhet të jetë një forcë vdekjeprurëse, jo një klub diplomatik”, shefi i Pentagonit zbret në Europë 18:05
Moments of terror for Kostandinos Argyros, the Greek businessman with his "Bentley" almost hit his wife and baby 16:51
Ylli Manjani: Detention is full of people who were never questioned, this approach must be changed 16:28
"REVENGE"/ The uncle of the SP MP, Elvis Ndreca, was arrested and appeared in the 'Sky Ecc' wiretaps! 15:47
172 kilograms of cocaine with the "KF TIRANA" logo were seized in Italy, 3 Albanians were arrested! (2 were brother and sister) 15:14
Socialist MP under investigation by SPAK, DP: Klotilda Bushka should resign as chairwoman of the Laws Committee! 14:50
Bardhi denounces: The State Police abandons prosecutors and judges! It is not present at the illegal protest in front of SPAK 2025-02-12 17:58:40Politics
EU Delegation reacts to Veliaj's arrest: We are closely following developments! SPAK to investigate corruption without interference and pressure 2025-02-12 17:11:48Politics
"You told me you would remember", Veliaj clashes with prosecutor Olsi Dado: You received a building permit from me 2025-02-12 15:34:53News
Rama's statements after Veliaj's arrest, KLP: The independence of prosecutors must be respected! 2025-02-12 15:32:33News
"GËRDECI", Mediu: I did not study for the military, I was elected Minister of Defense for… 2025-02-12 15:03:28News
KLGJ reagon ndaj deklaratave të kryeministrit Rama: Kërcënim të drejtpërdrejtë ndaj pavarësisë dhe sundimit të ligjit!
Rama's statements towards judge Erion Bani: Direct threat to independence and the rule of law! 2025-02-12 14:37:36News
Rama fshikullon gjyqtarin Erion Bani: I vetmi që pranoi në GJKKO për të arrestuar Veliajn, kamikaz i PD-së
Rama reacts again: SPAK urgently beheads Veliaj when we entered the elections, while for January 21st there has been no emergency in five years 2025-02-12 14:07:03Politics
Rama tjetër status, nuk i ndahet SPAK dhe GJKKO: Nëse nuk respektoni të drejtat e njeriut, ky do të ishte dështimi më i madh në drejtësi
Meta denounced the threat inside the cell, Berisha: Breakfast got stuck in his throat! 2025-02-12 13:49:54Politics
Mesazhi te telefoni i Ramës: Zbulohet kush është deputeti demokrat i lidhur me gjyqtarin e GJKKO, Erion Bani
Trump considered the option of housing Palestinians in Albania, Berisha: Rama denied it, but... 2025-02-12 13:16:35Politics
Sulmi i Ramës ndaj gjyqtarit/ Berisha denoncon: Mesazhin digjital e dërgoi Irena Gjoka dhe Ulsi Manja!
Rama's attack on the judge / Berisha denounces: The digital message was sent by Irena Gjoka and Ulsi Manja! 2025-02-12 12:54:26Politics
Seanca për Veliajn/ Dy prokurorët pranojnë gabimin: Nuk është i dënuar, ishte problem i regjistrit elektronik
Rama, another status, SPAK and GJKKO are not divided: If you do not respect human rights, this would be the biggest failure in justice 2025-02-12 12:26:36Politics
Ilir Meta from prison talks about the threats: What happened while I was eating breakfast.... 2025-02-12 12:02:42Politics
DETAJE/ SKANDALI në SPITALIN e Dibrës, si drejtoresha i shkoi në zyrë, shefit të e financës dhe e goditi me shishe në fytyrë!
The DP leadership makes the decision, the date when the primaries will be held is revealed Read / 2025-02-12 11:52:13Politics
DETAILS/ SCANDAL in Dibra HOSPITAL, how the hospital director went to the office of the Chief of Finance and hit him in the face with a bottle! Read / 2025-02-12 11:38:59News
"We want 70 thousand euros, or..."/ He took 35-year-old Ervis Xhixha hostage, the 40-year-old was ARRESTED! Read / 2025-02-12 11:27:53News
EMRI / Audi collided with truck, 30-year-old driver dies, passenger in serious condition Read / 2025-02-12 17:25:16News
Protesters gather again in front of SPAK, demand Erion Veliaj's release Read / 2025-02-12 17:05:29News
Ylli Manjani: Detention is full of people who were never questioned, this approach must be changed Read / 2025-02-12 16:28:35News
"REVENGE"/ The uncle of the SP MP, Elvis Ndreca, was arrested and appeared in the 'Sky Ecc' wiretaps! Read / 2025-02-12 15:47:28News
172 kilograms of cocaine with the "KF TIRANA" logo were seized in Italy, 3 Albanians were arrested! (2 were brother and sister) Read / 2025-02-12 15:14:08News
"My friends make fun of me! I'm not SHAMEFUL about my clothes, my parents have that much power," reveals the SHOCKING LETTER of the 17-year-old who committed suicide in Gjirokastra! Read / 2025-02-12 14:02:43News
They split up because of betrayal/ Will Livia's ex-partner join Big Brother VIP as a resident? Read / 2025-02-12 12:18:58Lifestyle
The information she gets about Jozi shocks Loredana, she starts crying and throws away the ring. Read / 2025-02-11 23:46:00Lifestyle
"When a man touches his nose, how can they insult you...", G Bani speaks after being expelled: Ge... Read / 2025-02-11 23:00:44Lifestyle
PHOTO/ What is your favorite sex position? The former Big Brother VIP resident is AMAZING with th... Read / 2025-02-11 15:35:15Lifestyle
Socialist MP under investigation by SPAK, DP: Klotilda Bushka should resign as chairwoman of the Laws Committee! Read / 2025-02-12 14:50:01Politics
Rama's phone message: It is revealed who the Democratic MP is connected to the GJKKO judge, Erion Bani Read / 2025-02-12 12:54:55Politics
"You told me you would remember", Veliaj clashes with prosecutor Olsi Dado: You received a building permit from me
"They are attacking us for electoral reasons", Rama gathers the SP Assembly for Tirana: I will also be mayor
Hearing for Veliaj/ Two prosecutors admit mistake: He is not convicted, it was a problem with the electronic registry Read / 2025-02-12 12:44:12Politics
"Lubi Balluku has disappeared!", Berisha reveals the behind-the-scenes: Oltion Bistri had her opponents wiretapped! Read / 2025-02-12 12:33:26Politics
"How can I explain to my children and their friends that I am innocent?!", Bushka under investigation: Is my dignity and name worth that much? Read / 2025-02-12 10:59:34Politics
LUAJ VIDEON Rijetëzimi i sheshit ‘Nënë Tereza’, Rama: Tirana do bëhet qyteti më i jashtëzakonshëm i Europës
LUAJ VIDEON Rama kritikon ministrin e Drejtësisë: Si ka mundësi Ulsi që SPAK s'ka mjete për regjistrim
LUAJ VIDEON Rama për intimidimin e dëshmitarëve: U mor nga rruga kur po çonte fëmijën me karrocë në kopsht
LUAJ VIDEON Rama shuplakë ILD:Me letra e kemi si institucion,por jo në realitet,akoma nuk është zgjuar nga gjumi
The prosecutor who preceded SPAK. Conversation with Xhevat Hana's daughter Read / 2025-01-13 11:18:01Confession Room
Looking for gift ideas this holiday season? Discover five similar, but not identical, options! Read Entela Resuli / 2024-12-16 11:02:04Confession Room
Six decades in search of his brother, Ilmi's rare story Read Entela Resuli / 2024-11-04 13:07:22Confession Room
Nora Malaj: The only profession that does not have an "ex" is the teacher Read Entela Resuli / 2024-09-11 13:10:07Confession Room
“NATO duhet të jetë një forcë vdekjeprurëse, jo një klub diplomatik”, shefi i Pentagonit zbret në Europë Read / 2025-02-12 18:05:52Kosovo&World
Moments of terror for Kostandinos Argyros, the Greek businessman with his "Bentley" almost hit his wife and baby Read / 2025-02-12 16:51:28Kosovo&World
FBI: We have found 2,400 new files related to the assassination of President Kennedy Read / 2025-02-12 08:10:20Kosovo&World
Tourists "abandon" the capital, consumption in Tirana's bars and restaurants drops 20% Read / 2025-02-12 18:14:10Business
Albania issues Eurobond worth 650 million euros, high demand in the markets! (10-year government maturity) Read / 2025-02-12 09:14:49Business
From pregnancy expenses to postpartum care, what are the costs of raising a child in the first year of life today? Read / 2025-02-08 13:53:51Business
Inter scores an illegal goal, VAR does not intervene: Inzaghi takes revenge on Fiorentina, but how much controversy Read / 2025-02-10 23:21:56Sport